- Introduction to Material Management:
- Inventory Management
- Storing Management
- Material Handling Equipment
- Fundamentals of Travel & Tourism
- Housekeeping Management
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- Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
- Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
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Introduction to Material Management: Introduction to material management, production planning system, master scheduling, material requirement, Capacity Management, Production Activity Control, Purchasing, Forecasting, inventory fundamentals, order quantities, independent demand ordering system, Physical inventory & warehouse management, Physical distribution, Products & Process, Total quality Management.
Material Requisition Procedure: What is material requisition, What Information Does the Materials Requisition Form Contain, example material requisition usage.
Inventory Management: Meaning and Definition of Inventory, Management of Inventories, Objectives of Inventory Management, Problems faced by Management, Inventory Control, Inventory Control Techniques, and Factory influences the Level of Each Component of Inventory, Measures of Effectiveness of Inventory Management.
Storing Management: Introduction to Stores Management, Functions of Stores Department, Valuation of Material, Valuation of Receipts, Valuation of Issues, and Valuation of Returns.
Forecasting of Materials Requirement: Introduction, Demand forecasting, Principles of forecasting, Collection and Preparation of data, forecasting Techniques, Exponential smoothing, Tracking the forecast.
Material Handling Equipment: Introduction to material handling, Objective of material handling, principle of material handling, selection of material management, material handling equipment, classification of material, Conveyor equipment, types of belt conveys, types of chain.